The Hedonist

Creative Archetype

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Supporting The Hedonist Archetype

The hedonist can be stubborn and tunnel-visioned in their quest for perfection so it is important to maintain perspective and help them get out of their head. Encouraging them to explore new mediums, formats and motifs in their work will support this.

While the hedonist doesn’t create with anyone in mind but themselves, they are appreciative of feedback from their circle as they are sensitive, deep thinking creators. It is this positive feedback that can help them combat their feelings of impostor syndrome. They often develop a deeply supportive community and form strong alliances with creative peers so collaborative projects can be beneficial in helping them work out of paralysis.

Actions To Support The Hedonist Archetype

Try working with a new medium or motif to produce something unexpected and exciting
Experiment with creating something with the primary focus being the metaphorical meaning instead of aesthetically pleasing
Work on a collaborative project with a creative peer & Deliberately make a mistake in your work to break out of perfectionism

Hedonist Examples

  • The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • Tim Burton
  • Heston Blumenthal
  • Dionysus
  • Michelangelo

Understand and Support Your Creative Archetype

If you want to find out more about supporting your creative work with this archetype, you can purchase the Meet Your Creative Archetypes book where we deep dive into what really makes your creative archetype tick. Find out how to unleash your true creative power and embrace your archetype’s natural genius.

You’ll learn how to break free from the shadow of the archetype that may have controlled the way your creativity manifests in the world and how to transform and transmute it to awaken a new level of flow for yourself.

You’ll find actionable tips to help you move towards your potential and unlock a magnetic version of yourself that will ignite your passions and help you achieve the creative success that you desire.