The Architect

Creative Archetype

Your results are below and you’ll also be receiving an email with a PDF of your results. The email is filled with information to help you understand your archetype and some great tips that you can act on right now to support you in working with your archetype.

Supporting The Architect Archetype

The architect can be highly focused to the point of tunnel vision during their creative process which means they can be very efficient at getting the job done. However, the seriousness with which they approach their work means they finish one project and immediately start the next. Encouraging them to explore new hobbies they are not ‘good’ at and supporting them in creating a routine that includes self-care and downtime to help them unwind.

This archetype can struggle to find meaning in the metaphorical which can lead to them rejecting what they don’t understand. Emboldening them to explore the less literal sides of life and creating just for ‘fun’ can be beneficial to help them break out of their precision-based shell. Experimentation with mixed media can open up a whole new world for them and provide fresh perspectives that they can apply to their work.

Actions To Support The Architect Archetype

Collaborate with a mixed media artist to open yourself up to finding solutions within the metaphorical edge of creativity
Challenge yourself to share work in progress and snapshots of sketches with your peers and audience to break out of the perfectionist mindset
Experiment with drawing techniques such as speed drawing, blind drawing and non-dominant hand drawing to create some unexpected results

Architect Examples

  • Howard Roark in The Fountainhead
  • Christopher Wren
  • Isambard Kingdom Brunel
  • Saul Bass
  • Stefan Sagmeister
  • Daedalus

Understand and Support Your Creative Archetype

If you want to find out more about supporting your creative work with this archetype, you can purchase the Meet Your Creative Archetypes book where we deep dive into what really makes your creative archetype tick. Find out how to unleash your true creative power and embrace your archetype’s natural genius.

You’ll learn how to break free from the shadow of the archetype that may have controlled the way your creativity manifests in the world and how to transform and transmute it to awaken a new level of flow for yourself.

You’ll find actionable tips to help you move towards your potential and unlock a magnetic version of yourself that will ignite your passions and help you achieve the creative success that you desire.